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2016 - Relocation of fenceline Housing Project: Carver Terrace

Hilton Kelley fought hard to get the Carver Terrace Housing Project relocated to a safer, healthier location. The housing project Hilton was born in, was within 1 mile of the fence line of the Valero Refinery. Starting in 2014 the residents were relocated and in 2016 the housing complex was demolished to make way for a green belt between the refinery and the community.

2016 - Air Pollution Reduction of 50K-60K tons

Hilton Kelley efforts were instrumental in keeping more than a staggering 50-60 thousand tons per year of pollution from ever entering into the environment. They achieved this by diligent monitoring, filing complaints and keeping a watchful eye on industry.

2015 - Start-up, Shut-down and Malfunction Law (SSM)

In cooperation with several other major environmental groups, Hilton Kelley with CIDA Inc. was instrumental in establishing the national Start-up Shut-down and Malfunction (SSM) Law for refineries. The result of this law is an annual reduction of 40 thousand tons of toxins into the air.

2012 - AAPR Inspire Award

Mr. Kelley won the AAPR Inspire Award for his commitment to serve.

2011 - Meeting with President Obama

Mr. Kelley was invited to the Oval Office and met with the President of the United States. President Obama recognized and thanked Mr. Kelley for his contribution to Environmental Justice

2011 - Goldman Environmental Prize

Mr. Kelley made history when he became the first African American male to win The Goldman Environmental Prize in April 2011

2010 - EPA Showcase Community

Due to Mr. Kelley's work, Port Arthur, Texas was selected for the EPA showcase community project. During this project several issue specific work groups were formed to address areas with challenges. The key areas of focus were Environmental Quality, Unemployment and Skill Development, Housing, Westside and Downtown Revitalization, Community Health and Energy Efficiency.
A final outcome of one of these workgroups was The Southeast Texas Alerting Network (The STAN) which alerts communities in case of an emission event

2009 - Stopped PCB incineration in hometown

Mr. Kelley's protest and organized actions stopped 20,000 tons of PCB’s from being shipped to Port Arthur, Texas from Mexico for incineration.

2009 - NIEHS Hero Award

The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) presented Hilton Kelley with the National Institute of Environmental Health and Science (NIEHS) Hero award in August 2009.

2008 - July 1: Hilton Kelley Day

Hilton Kelley was Given a Proclamation by the city of Port Arthur Texas, proclaiming July 1 “Hilton Kelley” Day in the city of Port Arthur. The award was given by Mayor Deloris Bobby Prince 2008. The Award was given for outstanding Environmental service in the community

2008 - Damu Smith Environmental Justice Achievement Award

The Damu Smith Environmental Justice achievement award was given to Hilton Kelley on the 27th of October 2008.

2007 - Port Arthur Citizen of the Year

On October 26th 2007 Mr. Kelley was nominated for Port Arthur Texas citizen of the year and received a certificate for community dedication

2007 - Port Arthur West Side Health Clinic

Hilton Kelley led CIDA Inc. through successful negotiation of an agreement for the Valero oil refinery to assist with health care cost for residents on the west side of Port Arthur and for them to build a health clinic in that community.

2007 - Stopped the the transport of VX nerve gas to hometown

Hilton Kelley was able to stop VX nerve gas waste from being shipped to the Port Arthur Texas community by the U.S. Army for a month, by filing an injunction.

2006 - Houston Hero Award

The “Houston Hero” Award was given to Mr. Kelley by the Citizen League for Environmental Action Now (CLEAN).

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